QuiltInk 1st Birthday!!

Let’s celebrate the 1st QuiltInk anniversary! Don’t miss any of the big events!

  • Pixy Quilt party!
  • Giveaway on our Instagram page of a wonderful Carolina Oneto colour related course.

Pixy Quilt

Have you ever tried to plan a quilt on a sheet of paper with a grid using your crayons? Sure you have. It’s a very good way to plan your unique quilt which doesn’t require a lot of instructions and can be assembled very quickly.

Now, QuiltInk offers you the option to plan a pixel quilt in a digital, fun, fast and eco-friendly way. 

From now on, you will find on QuiltInk our PixyQuilt, a set of grids created for you to plan your pixel quilt with us. It includes 7 different block layouts using 2 1/2″ squares or 5″ squares as bassis.

And the Pixyquilt comes with 2 new additions to the QuiltInk app! 

  1. Displaying the number of pieces of every fabric/colour used to colour a PixyQuilt.
  2. The possibility to display other information over the coloring diagrams. On the PixyQuilts exporting diagrams you will see the row and column numbers. It can be very useful to assemble the quilt.

You can see these two new options on the exporting section of every colour version on QuiltInk. Accessible from the colouring pages, the Wall, and from your account. If you want to learn more about the exporting option on QuiltInk visit our tutorial about exporting colouring versions.

We have set up a page with more information  and instructions to piece these Pixy Quilts. There, you can check the number of precuts and yardage requirements, and basic assembly instructions. If you have any other questions please contact us at info@quiltink.com or chat with us on Instagram!

PixyQuilt Party!!

To celebrate the 1st QuiltInk birthday we want QuiltInk users to be the ones that create the designs that will go into the PixyQuilt pattern page on QuiltInk. Do you want to be one of them? 

  1. Register on QuiltInk.
  2. Colour your own Pixy Quilts. Make as many you want, using all the sizes and layouts.
  3. Place them on the QuiltInk Wall.
  4. Ask your friends and followers to come to QuiltInk to “like” (heart) your colour version on the Wall.
  5. Wait until Sunday 13 to know if your colour version is the most liked and your design will be placed on the pattern page as a basis for other QuiltInk users. 

Timing: You have until Saturday 12th, 23:59 pm UTC (Universal Coordinated Time)

The most voted will be placed on the main PixyQuilt Pattern on QuiltInk, with the name the winner chosen. 

For every one of your colour designs placed on the QuiltInk Wall and shared on Instagram (feed or story) you get 10 extra entries to our instagram giveaway. You can’t miss it!!


We want to celebrate the birthday on Instagram too, so we have organised a giveaway there. 

Do you want to know more about colour and make your quilts bright with the right colour choices? 

The winner will be able to choose one of this two on demand courses by Carolina Oneto:

  1. Playing with Color Value.
  2. Befriending Colors

With these courses you can learn more about colour and how it can help you to create unique gorgeous quilts. Cool right?!

How to participate:

  1. Follow us @quilt_ink and @carolina_oneto on Instagram.
  2. Like the 1st QuiltInk Birthday Post on the QuiltInk feed.
  3. Tag one friend in a comment. Every tag/comment is an entry for the give away. The more entries, the more opportunities you have to win!
    If you share the post on your stories you get 5 extra entries (remember to tag us!).
    If you share one of your PixyQuilts colour versions, made on QuiltInk and placed on the QuiltInk Wall, on Instagram, you get 10 extra entries!!
    The more you share, the more possibilities to win the prize!

Giveaway closes on Saturday, February 12th at 23:59 pm UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).

Winner will be announced on Sunday the 13th.

This giveaway is open internationally. You must be at least 18 years old, release Instagram of any responsibility, and agree to IG terms of use. Instagram doesn’t sponsor this giveaway.


To finish our 1st birthday celebration, we want to thank you all for your support during our first year. It’s been really exciting seeing how QuiltInk has grown, thanks to you all.

And we want to specially thank all the designers that decided to trust our service to offer to you a new and modern way to colour their patterns. They are the ones that make it possible for QuiltInk to keep going, so go support them by colouring their designs, following them and buying their patterns, so they can keep doing their amazing jobs!

We will keep working hard to improve the QuiltInk app every day. And remember you can contact us by email (info@quiltink.com) or Instagram to tell us what you miss on QuiltInk, what you would change, or just to say hello and tell us your experience with the app. We are always happy to chat with you!


Happy coloring and sewing quilty friends!