You have the possibility to place only your own patterns on Quiltink. You can’t place patterns from other designers.
To place patterns on Quiltink you need to pay a monthly fee by subscribing (through Stripe) to a plan indicated at the previous section.
Once you subscribe to a plan, if you decide to cancel it before the deadline, the paid fee won’t be refunded.
You have the possibility of increasing the number of patterns you have on Quiltink by canceling your subscription and subscribing to a new upper one. You also have the possibility to cancel your subscription and get a lower one.
If you cancel your subscription and don’t make another one, your account will remain as Designer but you won’t be able to place any pattern on QuiltInk.
In your account page you will have a button to edit your patterns at “Manage Patterns” on your “Designer Page”. There, you will be able to ask for a new pattern to be included on QuiltInk, to create all the version you want of your patterns to be colored, to edit patterns/versions information, to choose to make public or not every one of the patterns/versions you have, to manage your personal data, designer info, and pattern link, subscribe and change your plan subscribed.
As a DESIGNER, you have the possibility of coloring your own patterns and placing them in the public Wall.
Every one of your patterns will include a link to a webpage you choose to redirect the USER to buy your pattern. This link will be visible at: the coloring page, the pop up of every pattern in the public wall, and the patterns saved in the USERS pages.
Every one of your patterns will include an info button about the pattern and your profile. The DESIGNER can edit this information at the “Designer Page”.
The DESIGNERS can tell their customers to use QuiltInk as a complementary tool in their patterns.