New Pattern: Lochlyn

Title: Lochlyn

Designer: Modish Quilter Magazine

Technique: Traditional piecing

Sizes: 1

Colour Layouts: 1

The second pattern featured in the Issue 9 of Modish Quilter Magazine @modishquilter , Black and White, is the Lochlyn, designed by 
Madison Rose Quilt Co @madisonrosequiltingco

The  Lochlyn  #quiltpattern is a modern pattern that meets traditional style. It’s confident beginner skill level and comen in one size, Throw 63.5″ x 63.5″.


Go to Modish Quilter Magazine website for more info about the Issue 6 and their subcription.


And remember to register on QuiltInk to be able to save your colour versions and share them on the QuiltInk Wall! We can’t wait to see them all!

Happy quilting and colouring!

Music by Vitaliy Levkin from Pixabay

New Pattern: Riverbend

Title: Riverbend

Designer: Modish Quilter Magazine

Technique: Curved piecing

Sizes: 1

Colour Layouts: 1

It’s release day for the Issue 9 of Modish Quilter Magazine, Block and White, and we are really excited to be hosting again the patterns included in this amazing issue. If you are not yet subscribed, don’t miss it!!

During this week I will present to you the 4 quilt patterns included in this new Issue. All of them in a modern style and sure you will love them all!!
The first pattern is Rivenbend designed by Modish Quilter. This is an advanced  #quiltpattern using curved piecing. It includes one size: 57.5″ x 57.5″and it can be made with two colors or as you wish letting your imagination fly.
Remember to share with us in the #quiltinkwall all your color versions. Let’s create a great #QuiltInkcommunity!

Music by Yrii Semchyshyn from Pixabay

Mockupmonday #36

QuiltInk is burning! A lot of new patterns and the QuiltInk users are publishing a lot of color versions in the #quiltinkwall more than ever! 285 in 2 weeks is a big record! 

And….. even though it’s not still Monday here is the #QInk_Mockupmonday number 36 a bit early this week because tomorrow there is a big announcement (check the whole video for a sneak peak) and we can not wait until next week for the #mockupmonday, they won’t fit in a reel! 

So, enjoy this more than one minute of pure color inspiration for your coming projects with these 2 weeks of new colorings in QuiltInk.

Music by Alex Golubiev from Pixabay

New Pattern: The Square of Pegasus

Title: The Square of Pegagus

Designer: Ships and Violins

Technique: Foundation Paper Piecing

Sizes: 4

Colour Layouts: 4

New pattern in QuiltInk from Cristina of Ships and Violins, the Square of Pegasus. Don’t miss this gorgeous pattern and share with us all your color versions!

The Square of Pegasus is the first star Cristina designed for her #ConstellationsQuiltSeries. The Series has expanded to include five stars already with many more to come!
This foundation paper pieced pattern uses contrasting fabrics to make a stand-out star. You can colour the star block in four different sizes from wall hanging/pillow to throw quilt. 

Cristina just announced a sew along of #tsoppattern starting on February 6, 2023. Check our @shipsandviolins for event info and registration!

Music by Hot_Music from Pixabay

Mockupmonday #35

Yesterday was the beginning of the Great Plains Star BOM by Plains and Pine and seeing all the mock-ups published by the participants in the #quiltinkwall we couldn’t resist to dedicate the first #QInk_mockupmonday of the 2023 to this pattern and to all the quilters that has made it possible.



Enjoy all the 45 seconds of pure color inspiration!! 


It’s hypnotic! For more information about this amazing BOM visit Lindlee website and plan yours with QuiltInk! We can’t wait to see all of them!

Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

New Pattern: Booths Corner

Title: Booths Corner

Designer: Toad and Sew

Technique: Traditional piecing

Sizes: 3

Colour Layouts: 4

Today is the release day for the Booths Corner Quilt by Toad and Sew!. A new great pattern from Taylor which you can color in QuiltInk and plan your unique version!


The #boothscornerquilt is a nod to the traditional quilts of the early American 17-18th century with a modern twist. It’s a beginner-friendly quilt pattern that comes in 3 sizes: Baby, Throw & Bed. A great pattern to experiment with a limited color palette or learn some new skills.


Check Taylor’s website for more info about it and don’t forget to share your color versions with us!!

Music by QubeSounds from Pixabay

Mockupmonday #34

The last #QInk_Mockupmonday of the year with all these amazing color versions made during last week by the #quiltinkusers is really exciting!! Great variety of patterns, colors and styles.
We can only say THANK YOU to all the designers and users that support us to keep going! We wish you a very good Holiday season and stay tuned first next year because we are working really hard to introduce new options in QuiltInk you will really love!!

Music by SoundGalleryBy from Pixabay


Mockupmonday #33

Music by Dmitry Taras from Pixabay

New #QInk_Mockupmonday! The number 33! 
74 color versions and 19 patterns from the color versions published during the last 3 weeks in the QuiltInk Wall. Pure color inspiration!
Remember to publish your color versions in the Wall so we inspire each other! And be aware do not become a #quiltinkaddict!
Patterns featured are:
Summer Solstice by @alderwoodstudio 
Matrikin by @rachelle_handmade 
Desert Diamonds by @sylviaraschella 
Kaleidobloom by @thecraftynomadfleet 
Zetus Lapetus by @thequiltyarchitect 
Rebel and 
Bloem by @libselliott
Memo and
Palette by @modishquilter
Canyon and
Old Pine by @bookendsquilting
Daysprung by @tessellate_textiles
Open Road,
Welcome Home,
Joplin and
Sky Cabin by @toadandsew
Big Sky Star and
Great Plains Star by @plainsandpine

New Pattern: Ritournelle

Title: Quilt Ritournelle

DesignerNamaju Quilt Studio

Technique: Traditional piecing

Sizes: 4

Colour Layouts: 5

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

New Pattern: Great Plains Star

Title: Great Plains Star

Designer: Plains and Pine

Technique: Traditional piecing

Sizes: 3

Colour Layouts: 1

Are you ready for an amazing 6 month BOM with Lindlee of @plainsandpine ? The Great Plains Star is the 3rth pattern from Plains and Pine in QuiltInk and you can’t miss it!


The Great Plains Star is a unique, skill-building block of the month quilt pattern. The quilt pattern has 3 sizes (Large Throw, Queen, and King). This is a 6 month block of the month pattern starting in January which includes step by step instructions with diagrams and videos. This is a great pattern for someone who is wanting to build their quilting skills with support each step of the way.


Visit Lindlee’s website for more information about this BOM, and to support her amazing work!


And don’t forget to register in QuiltInk (it’s free!) and share your colouring versions in the #quiltinkwall and your social media! We can’t wait to see them all!

Music by Geoffrey Harvey from Pixabay