New Option: Designer Page

Hi designer!

We hope you are doing well and we want to explain to you the new option we have just added to QuiltInk.

Now, each designer on QuiltInk has a public page with all their patterns.

This new option will help QuiltInk users to know every one of you better, check all the patterns you have in QuiltInk and you will be able to provide a link to your customers where they can see all your patterns in the same page.

Until now, the user’s pages showed their colour versions published in the Wall. From now on, the users page will be the same and if the user is a designer it will show: Patterns, Colour Versions and Info.

Designer Page link

Your Designer Page has a link for outside visitors. Provide it to your customers in a newsletter, add the link to your website, social media or whatever you want, and people will access directly to your Designer Page. To get this link:

1. Go to “Account” / “Designer Account”

2. Search for the “Designer Info” card.

3. At the bottom of this card there is the link to your Designer profile.

4. Click over the link and it will be copied.

5. Paste the link where you want to use it.

Visit your Designer Page from QuiltInk

From QuiltInk, users can visit your Designer page from the Info page and from the Wall.


From the Info Page

We have added a button to the info page where people can check all the designers in QuiltInk. From there if someone clicks over one of you, QuiltInk will open your Designer Page.

NOTE: Some of you haven’t edited their Designer Info. Remember to add your photo and description. This information is also visible at the “Info” icon in the colouring page of your patterns

From the Wall
Every colour version in the Wall has the name of the QuiltInk user who has published it. If the user is a designer, when clicking over her/his name QuiltInk will open the Designer Page.


  • Since February, the patterns that have been activated in QuiltInk form more than 1 year can be replaced in QuiltInk for a new pattern. So, if you can add a new pattern without upgrading your plan.
  • Have in mind all the options QuiltInk has apart from the public coloring options. The main ones are the Private Rooms and the possibility of embedding the colouring pages into your website (or use a link to redirect people directly to your colouring pages). In the tutorial section you have all the info about it, and you can always ask for my help.
  • Every pattern allows you to restrict the colours/fabrics for that pattern. It was created by one designer request to offer sewn quilts from a selected group of fabrics. But it can be used for many purposes, like releasing a fabric line for example,

Whats coming

Our next goal in the QuiltInk growing is to create customizable palettes, for users and for Fabric Shops!

It will work that every user will be able to create their own selection of fabrics (using fabrics from different palettes) so they can colour your pattern with the fabrics they have at home for example.

For Fabric Shops, which will mean to create new QuiltInk profiles for them, will be a great resource to offer your patterns in their shops. It was a specific request from a fabric shop and the goal of it is that they can offer to their customers to choose some of the patterns in QuiltInk and colour that pattern with the fabrics they have available at that moment in the shop.

The idea is that in the palettes, at the colouting page, there will be 3 tabs where users can choose: Fabric brands, Fabric shops or custom palette.


As a designer, do you think it can be positive for you to offer a better service to your customers and to sell more patterns? Any thoughts about it would be very welcome! Contact me by email ( or chat in Instagram, I am always happy to talk with you!

Thank you for being part of the Quiltink community, it wouldn’t be possible wothout you!!

Best wishes and happy colouring and quilting!