Designer Spotlight – Taylor Krz

The July interview features Taylor from Toad and Sew, an emergent new designer that brings to life stunning quilt patterns, runs a beautiful community and has a lot of amazing projects coming. Join us as we explore her creative journey and significant contributions to the quilting community.

Taylor has all her patterns hosted in QuiltInk so you can plan your unique versions in a digital, modern and fun way!

Personal Background

Taylor, as we dive into your story, could you provide a snapshot of who you are and take us on the journey that led you to where you are today?

I am the designer and creative mind behind Toad & Sew. I’m a former artist and graphic designer, and I’m all about modern quilt patterns that inspire today’s quilters. I’m originally from outside of Philadelphia, PA but have been calling Seattle, WA my home for the last five years. I went to Virginia Commonwealth University, where I studied Illustration and Graphic Design. 


Quilting Journey

When and how did you start quilting? What drew you to quilting as a form of expression?

I started quilting in 2019, mainly due to mental health issues I was suffering from. I needed a way to get out of my head and use my hands productively. Working from home, I was constantly on the computer and felt like the work I was doing lacked purpose. Quilting helped me work through these mental health challenges and truly changed my life!


Pattern Designing

What inspired you to start designing quilt patterns? How do you approach the creative process of designing a new pattern?

As a graphic designer by day, the need to design my own patterns came very naturally and quickly. I wanted to express my creativity through quilting, and it was a natural progression.


My creative process isn’t anything fancy or sophisticated. Usually, an idea pops into my head, and I start playing around on my computer to execute it. That initial idea typically evolves into five more ideas and changes drastically from the original concept. I love designing because it’s such a fun process from start to finish, and you never know what you’ll end up with!

Style and Aesthetics

How would you define your pattern style? Are there specific themes or elements that consistently appear in your designs?

I would describe my pattern style as modern, bold, and geometric. My designs are typically medallion-based or feature a secondary pattern if they’re block-based. I experiment with various styles to keep things fresh, so there’s not one consistent element that appears in all my designs.



How does color play a role in your pattern designing? Do you have a favorite color? Are there certain color combinations you find particularly appealing?

Colors play a HUGE role in my pattern designing—I would argue it’s one of the most important aspects of my design. I truly believe that color choices can make or break a design. I spend a lot of time experimenting with different color combinations to ensure the pattern works in a wide variety of color schemes. If the pattern only looks good in a few colorways, then I know it doesn’t pass the test, and some aspect of the pattern needs to be altered.


My favorite color is a vibrant red-orange; I love the warmth and energy it brings to a quilt. While I’m typically drawn to warm tones, lately I’ve been experimenting with all sorts of different combinations. I just love playing around and seeing what sparks my creativity!


Business Activities

Apart from designing patterns, what other activities are integral to your quilting business?

(Membership, notions, courses, etc)

I have a quilting book club membership called Toad Circle. We host four mystery quilt SALs (sew-alongs) each year, and with each SAL, we read and discuss a book at the end! It’s a fun, vibrant community that attracts people from all over the world. The community gathers on Discord, and we have plenty of Zoom calls to connect. It’s a great way to meet like-minded quilters and try new things!


Online Presence

Where can people find your work online? (Website, social media handles, online marketplaces). How do you use online platforms to connect with your audience and fellow quilters?

I am @toadandsew on all socials and my website is

You can check my Toad Circle community at 

Upcoming Projects

Can you provide a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or designs you’re working on? Any exciting collaborations or events?

Toad Circle will open its doors for new members from July 23rd to July 30th, starting the new SAL on the July 30th which will be having it’s second guest designer this summer.

I will also be teaching at QuiltCon 2025! I’m super excited that I will be teaching two classes there – one is an advanced design class and the other is a color theory class! 


QuiltInk Experience

How has QuiltInk contributed to your quilt pattern design business? Could you share your experience with the platform and how it has influenced your creative process and connected you with fellow quilters?

QuiltInk is a fantastic platform for my customers to see exactly what their quilt will look like! As someone who absolutely needs to visualize the final design before cutting, I’m thrilled to provide that same capability to my customers.