Meet the Fabric Shops – Handcraft Happy Hour

This month, we’re excited to introduce you to Handcraft Happy Hour, a vibrant quilt shop in Baltimore, MD, where creativity, community, and fabric love come together. Founded by Jenni, this shop is more than just a place to buy fabric—it’s a space where quilters, makers, and crafters gather to connect, learn, and create.

From a long-time passion for quilting and a dream shared with her aunt, Jenni built Handcraft Happy Hour into a welcoming hub filled with carefully curated fabrics, cozy gathering spaces, and even a coffee cart to fuel inspiration. Whether you visit in person or shop online, you’ll find a selection of modern fabrics, unique kits, and handcrafted goods from local artisans.

Join us as we dive into Jenni’s journey, the story behind her shop, and what makes Handcraft Happy Hour a must-visit for quilters!

Personal Background

Jenni, could you tell us a bit about yourself?  (location, age, educational background, …) Who is behind Handcraft Happy Hour?

Hi QuiltInk Fam! I am Jenni the owner of Handcraft Happy Hour, a brick and mortar and online quilt shop in the Hampden neighborhood of Charm City, Baltimore, MD. The shop has been online for almost 4 years and I opened the brick and mortar exactly a year ago in January. Meeting people face to face and helping to foster the amazing creative community here in Baltimore has been one of the biggest highlights of my life. If I am not slinging fabric then you can find me hosting dinners with friends, reading (A LOT), exploring DC museums, sewing and traveling.


Quilting Journey

How did you first get into quilting? When did you decide to turn this passion into a business by opening your shop?

I started sewing in middle school and then quilting around 30 years ago when I was in college. My aunt was a multi-crafter and we really enjoyed quilting together and went to many quilt shows and markets through the years. We dreamt of opening a quilt shop/coffee shop one day and I carried that dream in my heart even after I suddenly lost her. I opened Handcraft Happy Hour on her birthday January 23rd and I truly believe it was no coincidence that the build out got delayed. There is not a day that I don’t think, WWALD (what would Aunt Linda do) as I am winging it here. LOL! 


Shop Story and Style  
What’s the story behind Handcraft Happy HourWhen did it start, and how would you describe its personality, style, and size?

Handcraft Happy Hour started under a different name and after someone stole it and the logo design, I started to look at my business a little differently. My happiest hours are when I am creating something and I usually enjoy a tipple or coffee along with it. I did not want to pigeon-hole myself into just a quilt shop because, like Aunt Linda, I am a multi-crafter AND I want to highlight other maker’s finished goods too. The shop is in an est: 1877 mill that used to house London Fog Raincoats and the look is still there. It is bright and vibrant with a large wall of Art Gallery Solids and a vintage modern vibe throughout. I sell fabric, patterns and notions and needle art craft kits as well as paint-by-numbers. There is also a coffee cart in the back and everyone is welcome to a coffee or seltzer and to sit and read a book or knit in our cozy seating area.


Product Offerings  
What types of fabrics do you focus on? How do you offer them to customers—by the yard, as kits, or with custom options?

I carry a lot of Art Gallery Fabrics – both solids and prints, some Andover (Libs Elliott, Giucy Giuce), Liberty quilting cottons, some Fableism. I did just get an account with Moda so I will carry some Moda in the coming year as well. I only buy what I want to look at all day so it has to be cute or pretty! We offer the fabric by the yard,  shop specific bundles and some kits and I am happy to help put a custom kit together as well. I love playing with color.


Special Collections and Products  

Are there any collections, brands, or unique products you’re especially proud to carry?

I have loved to carry local makers’ goods from the beginning and one of the things I am in love with right now is my friend Jen’s ceramic pin dishes. Her brand is Yummy and Co. and her pottery guild is in the same building as me. She just made some ceramic buttons for the shop for garments/bags and is bringing them by this week and I can’t wait! This Summer I plan on carrying some art and bags made by local friends and I am collaborating and making candles with KSM Candles, who is also in my building, with Handcraft Happy Hour specific scents. Just in time for the Summer Shop Hop crowd! Being another avenue for other small businesses to sell their goods is super important to me.


Inspiration and Trends  
What inspires you when choosing fabrics or products for your shop? Do you follow any specific trends or themes?

The community around me inspires me when choosing fabrics or products for the shop. It is tricky, right? Trying to figure out what your community is going to like 4-6 months from now? I love going to QuiltCon to see who people gravitate to but I also don’t want to be like everyone else! I want people online to experience the shop just like my walk-in customers do. I try to curate fabrics that will create something classic that my customer will still love in 10 years or more that will not feel dated. 


Additional Services
Do you offer any other quilting-related services, like pattern design, long-arming, or classes?  

Our large classroom hosts the occasional guild meeting or workshop. We offer classes for quilting, bag making, quilt coats and garment making and is FULL every Wednesday night with 20-30 people who come for our popular Crafty Hour. I love that night and the people so much! The community here is cozy, quirky, and oh so fun. 


Online Presence

Where can people find your shop online? (Website, social media handles, online marketplaces). How do you use online platforms to connect with your audience and fellow quilters?

You can find Handcraft Happy Hour at
We are on social media for now, on instagram @handcrafthappyhour, occasionally TikTok under the same name or facebook @HandcraftHappyHourSRQ I will announce on those if we move to another platform. 


Upcoming News and Projects  
Are there any exciting new projects, events, or collaborations coming up that you’d like to share with the community

We are going to be a part of the All Mid Atlantic Shop Hop in July and August this year. I will need to start hiring a staff member or two! I don’t have any fabric related collabs coming up HOWEVER, I am always open to them and would love if a designer wants to reach out!


QuiltInk Experience

How has QuiltInk been useful for your shop or customers? Any favorite tools or ways it’s made things easier?

I love how easy QuiltInk is to use and being able to direct my customers there to play with their patterns using the colors or fabrics that  I currently have in the shop, is super helpful!


Uploading my Art Gallery Fabric Solids line onto the QuiltInk platform was so helpful as it showed me where the gaps are in my collection. Having the physical color card is one thing but having them electronically when I am creating a kit or bundle is FANTASTIC!