Designer Spotlight – Christine Slote

Christine is one of those persons that when you talk with her you feel peace and happyness, and her patterns reflects this joy in her soul. 

My first encounter with Christine was a few years ago when I assisted her in writing one of her patterns. Since then, she chose to showcase her quilts designs on QuiltInk.

Recently overcoming a challenging battle with lymphomaChristine is now introducing a new pattern, “Courage, dear heart,” a poignant reflection of her journey. Don’t miss it!

Personal Background

Christine, as we dive into your story, could you provide a snapshot of who you are and take us on the journey that led you to where you are today?

Hi there, I’m Christine, the maker behind Tessellate Textiles. I work as a clinical pharmacist in Ontario, Canada, where I live with with my husband and two sons. I live in a region with a strong Mennonite quilting heritage and I love that connection :).


Quilting Journey

When and how did you start quilting? What drew you to quilting as a form of expression?

No one in my family quilts or ever quilted. My journey began around 10 years ago when my husband randomly bought me a sewing machine during a difficult time in our lives. I’m still not sure why did that as I had never before expressed any interest in sewing! I started to learn when my youngest son was born, but it was during the pandemic that I really fell in love and began designing my own patterns. I’ve always loved drawing and art and quilting just feels like a natural extension of that art – a new form of self expression.


Pattern Designing

What inspired you to start designing quilt patterns? How do you approach the creative process of designing a new pattern?

I decided to start designing quilt patterns somewhat on a whim during the pandemic. I designed a quilt for myself at a time when I was spending a lot more time at home and I craved a creative outlet. A friend encouraged me to try and so I just went for it!


I often draw inspiration from other textile arts like weaving and cross stitch. When I have an idea, I usually play in EQ8 – it takes me days and days of repeated iterations before I reach a design that satisfies me. I then use Adobe Illustrator to finalize my design.


Style and Aesthetics

How would you define your pattern style? Are there specific themes or elements that consistently appear in your designs?

I love creating colourful and distinct quilts that are often inspired by my Egyptian heritage as well as traditional Western designs. I grew up spending all of my summers living with extended family in Egypt… Memories of the architecture, marketplaces, and textile pieces that feel like home often influence my colour choices and designs. My designs usually feature repeating geometric shapes and patterns.



How does color play a role in your pattern designing? Do you have a favorite color? Are there certain color combinations you find particularly appealing?

I love using lots of different warm colours in my quilts, especially reds and golds. 


Online Presence

Where can people find your work online? (Website, social media handles, online marketplaces). How do you use online platforms to connect with your audience and fellow quilters?

You can find my work on Instagram (@tessellate_textiles) and can purchase my patterns from my website: I love connecting with people on Instagram and through my newsletter.


Upcoming Projects

Can you provide a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or designs you’re working on? Any exciting collaborations or events?

At this point, I’m really taking it slow as I’m recovering from recent treatment for lymphoma. I’m releasing a new pattern this Friday that is a product of months of slow work that I chipped away at slowly as I started to heal following chemotherapy. It’s such a joy to be creating again.